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Antenna Consulting Service

We can support your product development team by providing expert guidance to source the perfect antenna

Selecting the Best Antenna

AEM Antennas provides expert guidance on an array of different antenna types. We can walk you through a set of requirements that makes sense for your application or help you find solutions should you have connection issues with your current product. This will help determine the best way forward.

Let us guide you through the process with a preliminary antenna consultation.

Here’s how we can help you with your custom antenna needs

1. Preliminary Consultation

brainstorm ideas together through whiteboard sessions
sketching engineering drawing on a pad

2. Review a Proposal

3. Order the Hardware

This allow us to execute the order to manufacture the hardware. We will be sure to provide status updates to keep you in the loop on progress. Once manufactured, the antennas go through an antenna test campaign and final QA to be sure they are ready to plug-and-play.

panel pcb antenna in a 3d printed housing for a fast prototype solution

Antenna Prototyping and Production

Contact us to learn the specifics.

custom commercial antennas for Omni-directional and directional radiation patterns

Custom Antennas

No matter what your product connects to, an embedded or external antenna can be tailored to meet your needs.

antenna simulation and design using the latest commercial and open source tools

Antenna Simulation

Our custom in-house reflector and feed simulation tools (RECO) can quickly optimize an antenna.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What questions do I need to answer to order an antenna?
Typical questions we ask are mostly:

  • product’s application
  • gain
  • power
  • size
  • connector
  • operating environment
How are antennas tested?
Testing an antenna to simply know that it’s working as it should can range from simple continuity tests to be sure there are no breaks in the line, to a quick return loss or VSWR sweeps to check the antenna port performance. Pattern measurements in a Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) is recommended for a full verification of the antenna, however, boresight gain could be enough to validate a functioning unit. It’s recommended to conduct tests in an anechoic chamber to prevent reflections from being measured and provide the cleanest measurements possible.

Antenna Consulting Specialists

✔ Helpful guidance to narrow down a solution

✔ Experienced in antenna & RF component simulation and design

✔ Antenna testing and performance verification

sketching engineering drawing on a pad

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