Antenna Simulation & Design
We simulate nearly any type of antenna including electrically large structures to capture scattering elements
RF Model Simulation
Simulation comes in many forms. Our team is focused on the performance targets for your product. Whether a design requires a full wave electromagnetic solver, or simply a quick prototype circuit, a solution that fits your need can be found.
Commercial Simulators
When accurate simulation models are needed, nothing beats commercial simulation tools. We use an array of commercial tools to solve a wide variety of antenna problems to converge onto a solution. These tools used in combination with unique solution techniques that allow the fastest and most optimal solution for a unique set of requirements.
Solution Techniques
Several types of electromagnetic simulation are available to converge to a solution. This could be Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), Method of Moments (MoM), Finite Element Method (FEM), and Mode Matching (MM) just to name a few. Some of these solvers are known to be quite slow, but very accurate to reduce surprises during RF measurements. Each problem has its optimal solver. Get in touch with us if you need help choosing the right one for your design.
Large Model Simulation
From Ship to Spacecraft, a full scattering simulation model can be assembled to gain insight into far-field radiation patterns.
Large model simulation can be daunting. With very large meshes, a solution could take days to acquire so it’s important to get it right the first time.
We take pride on our ability to scale electrical and mechanical models to focus important features to converge on a solution within a reasonable amount of time with the accuracy needed.
Faster Solutions Through Automation
When exploring different options, faster solutions are needed to get ball-park answers for prototyping performance.
A selection of in-house, open-source, and commercial tools can quickly estimate a particular performance for a standard antenna type.
These can range from estimating patch antennas, antenna arrays, horns, wire antennas, matching networks, and RF components such as filters.
We use circuit approximations when determining prototype characteristics for conceptualizing antennas and networks as they provide a useful insight to prototype performance before resorting to time-consuming FEM/FDTD/MoM simulations.
Our solution techniques offer large scale optimization architectures on the back-end to quickly converge on a solution.
Particle Swarm Optimization and other advanced RF optimization techniques such as AI learning algorithms are used to save computation time.
Python is great tool for opening up access to the scientific community’s vast library of optimization tools. If your problem needs fast convergence, get in touch with us.
Feed Networks
We can help customize a feed to provide the best wireless performance no matter the waveguide used.
Custom Antennas
No matter what your product connects to, an antenna can be tailored to meet your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Our Simulation Expertise
✔ Familiar with electromagnetic solvers to chose the correct algorithm for a particular solution
✔ Applied advanced electrical modelling techniques to significantly reduce compute resources and simulation time without sacrificing accuracy
✔ Industry partnerships established to stay at the forefront of open-source and commercial software solutions that reduces overall design time and NRE costs